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Cost of Otter Homecare live-in care

Cost of Live-in Care

Our live-in care services start from £1,395 per week. However, the exact cost can vary depending on your individual needs and the level of care required. This includes factors such as the type of care needed, the specific requirements of the individual, and the number of hours of support required per day.


We offer a tailored approach to care, ensuring that each of our clients receives a service that is perfectly suited to their personal needs and circumstances. To get a more accurate quote, we encourage you to contact us directly. This will allow us to understand your specific needs and provide a detailed and personalised cost estimate.

Available funding support

Navigating the complexities of care funding can often seem daunting. But fret not, as we're here to support you. Let's break down the essential elements with a touch more detail to make this journey easier for you.

Exploring Various Funding Options

  1. Support from Local Authorities: If you find the cost of care unmanageable, your local authority may step in to cover these expenses. They assess your needs and financial situation to determine the level of support you're entitled to.

  2. The Self-Funding Route: For those whose total savings and assets exceed £23,250 (note that this threshold is subject to variation in Wales and Scotland), the obligation to fund their care independently arises. This option allows for flexibility and personal control over care decisions.

  3. Shared Responsibility through Combined Funding: If your financial reserves are less than £23,250, you might be eligible for shared funding with your local authority. This combines resources to deliver the care you need, easing the financial burden.

  4. Supplementary Funding: If your health conditions are complex, you may receive additional funding from the NHS. This assistance is often determined after a comprehensive health needs assessment.

Commencing Your Care Support Journey

Kick-start this process by reaching out to your local authority's Adult Social Care team. They are equipped to help you determine if you qualify for financial assistance and can recommend reputable care providers like Otter Homecare.

Understanding Your Financial Contribution

In cases where savings exceed the £23,250 threshold, self-funded care is the norm. With Otter Homecare, you're not alone in this process. They work closely with you to tailor a support plan that fits your unique needs while staying within your budget.


Discovering Additional Monetary Support

Remember, you might be eligible for other financial aids like the Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance, and Mobility Allowance. Furthermore, it's worth checking your health insurance policy to see if it offers coverage for home care services.

Care costs: Live-in vs Residential care

When considering the options for long-term care for a loved one, both the quality of care and financial implications come into play. Comparatively, live-in care can often be a cost-effective alternative to residential care.

  1. Personalized Care: With live-in care, a professional caregiver lives with the care recipient, providing one-on-one care tailored to their specific needs. Unlike in a residential care setting where staff cater to multiple residents, live-in care offers more personalized attention, potentially reducing the need for additional services and thereby costs.

  2. Home Convenience: The comfort of remaining in a familiar environment can contribute to a better quality of life and may help slow the progression of certain conditions such as dementia. This emotional wellbeing can translate to less reliance on high-cost health resources.

  3. Cost Efficiency: Contrary to popular belief, live-in care can be more affordable than residential care, especially for couples. This is because residential facilities typically charge per person, whereas live-in care often costs the same whether it's for one or two people.

  4. Avoiding Additional Fees: In a residential care setting, extra costs often accumulate from services such as laundry, medication administration, and special care needs. These are usually included in the price for live-in care.

  5. Reduced Hospital Visits: With personalized and consistent monitoring, live-in care can prevent accidents or catch health issues before they escalate into emergencies requiring hospitalization, a factor that can significantly reduce healthcare costs in the long run.

Each situation is unique, and costs will depend on the specific circumstances and needs of the individual. However, it's crucial to factor in not only the monetary costs but also the emotional and physical wellbeing of your loved one when making such an important decision. Live-in care can often provide a higher quality of life at a comparable, if not lower, cost than residential care.


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Preparing for Live-in Care

If you are preparing to welcome a Live-in Carer to your home there are a few considerations to bear in mind.


To enable the carer to do their job to the best of their abilities they will need a comfortable environment in which to live and work. 

  1. Firstly it is important for the care recipient to know that they will have a carer living with them and that they are comfortable with this arrangement. ​

  2. Your live-in carer will also need somewhere to sleep. Ideally this should be a guest room in the property with a TV in it so they can relax and sleep during breaks.

  3. It is also important for there to be a WiFi network for the carer to access during their stay. 

  4. Finally, it will be necessary for the carer to have access to a kitchen where they can cook nutritious daily meals with the option of the meals being eaten together with the care recipient. 

Otter Homecare live-in care

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