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Who is Otter Homecare Live-in Care for?

Our Live-in care service might be a good solution for people in Somerset or Wiltshire who are in the following circumstances:
Long-term illness

Certain long term diseases such as Parkinson's or a Stroke may require close monitoring and supervision. A Live-in Carer is well suited to observing any changes in client behaviors or health and can supervise if ever there is a cause for concern. 

Alzheimers and Dementia care

Staying in the familiar surroundings of their home and following daily routines can help clients living with Alzheimer's or dementia feel grounded. In such situations a Live-in Carer can help ensure that a safe environment is being maintained at the home. 

Losing a long term partner

When a spouse or long term partner passes away it naturally takes time to adjust. A Live-in Carer can step into provide much needed companionship and for increased peace of mind for all the family.  


As we age many of the simple things we have been used to doing are not so easy. Support might be needed for washing, getting dressed or even making a cup of tea may. The support of a Live-in carer can be a tremendous help for someone who is becoming increasing frail, allowing them stay safe and independent for longer. 


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Tasks a Live-in Carer can help with

Here are a few of the key care services a Live-in carer can help with 

Otter Homecare washing

Personal care

Support with personal care tasks including showering, toileting and getting dressed

Otter Homecare homecare


Live-in care support can include helping with the burden of housework such as washing dishes, cleaning and laundry duties

Otter Homecare medical support

Medical issues

Care for specific medical conditions including Parkinson's, Stroke, Alzeimer's, Dementia

Otter Homecare companionship


For a client living on thier own, a Live-in carer can provide much needed companionship which can greatly improve quality of lif

Otter Homecare food and nutrition


Support the client nutrition, starting with grocery shopping to meal preparation and feeding as required

Otter Homecare peace of mind

Peace of mind

Family and loved ones of the person being cared for can be greatly reassured by the presence of a Live-in Carer

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Preparing for Live-in Care

If you are preparing to welcome a Live-in Carer to your home there are a few considerations to bear in mind.


To enable the carer to do their job to the best of their abilities they will need a comfortable environment in which to live and work. 

  1. Firstly it is important for the care recipient to know that they will have a carer living with them and that they are comfortable with this arrangement. ​

  2. Your live-in carer will also need somewhere to sleep. Ideally this should be a guest room in the property with a TV in it so they can relax and sleep during breaks.

  3. It is also important for there to be a WiFi network for the carer to access during their stay. 

  4. Finally, it will be necessary for the carer to have access to a kitchen where they can cook nutritious daily meals with the option of the meals being eaten together with the care recipient. 

Otter Homecare cooking and nutrition

Need a helping hand for Mum, Dad or Yourself ?

Call us today to book a free assessment

01225 690022

Why Otter Homecare?

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